История изменений

Исправление t500s, (текущая версия) :

The FDO team is right that Hyprland’s community reflects poorly on the Linux desktop community as a whole. Vaxry has created a foothold for hate, transphobia, homophobia, bullying, and harassment in the Linux desktop community. We are right to take action to correct this problem.

Meanwhile the Hyprland community remains a toxic place, welcoming hate, bullying, and harassment, but now prohibiting all “political” speech, which in practice means any discussion of LGBTQ topics, though this is largely unenforced.

Простите, но мне все больше нравится не только Hyprland, но и его разработчик.

Исходная версия t500s, :

Простите, но мне все больше нравится не только Hyprland, но и его разработчик.