История изменений

Исправление entefeed, (текущая версия) :

At its current state, GitHub importer can import:
 the repository description (GitLab 7.7+)
 the Git repository data (GitLab 7.7+)
 the issues (GitLab 7.7+)
 the pull requests (GitLab 8.4+)
 the wiki pages (GitLab 8.4+)
 the milestones (GitLab 8.7+)
 the labels (GitLab 8.7+)
 the release note descriptions (GitLab 8.12+)
 the pull request review comments (GitLab 10.2+)
 the regular issue and pull request comments
References to pull requests and issues are preserved (GitLab 8.7+)
Repository public access is retained. If a repository is private in GitHub it will be created as private in GitLab as well.

Исходная версия entefeed, :

At its current state, GitHub importer can import:
 the repository description (GitLab 7.7+)
 the Git repository data (GitLab 7.7+)
 the issues (GitLab 7.7+)
 the pull requests (GitLab 8.4+)
 the wiki pages (GitLab 8.4+)
 the milestones (GitLab 8.7+)
 the labels (GitLab 8.7+)
 the release note descriptions (GitLab 8.12+)
 the pull request review comments (GitLab 10.2+)
 the regular issue and pull request comments
References to pull requests and issues are preserved (GitLab 8.7+)
Repository public access is retained. If a repository is private in GitHub it will be created as private in GitLab as well.