It was more than six months ago that Oracle released Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2, formerly known as Sun's VirtualBox, as their most recent major update. Oracle now, however, is readying a very major VM VirtualBox 4.0 update. Today they have released the first public beta of Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.0 and it brings many new features along with some changes that may prove to be another disappointing step by Oracle in alienating the open-source community.
Before even mentioning the new features of VirtualBox 4.0 Beta 1, Oracle's Frank Mehnert mentioned that some functionality is being moved out to «external packages» rather than as part of the core VirtualBox virtualization software. Right now there's just one external package for VirtualBox 4.0 and it's the PUEL extpack, which is where the USB 2.0, RDP Server, and PXE bootloader support reside.
Если я все правильно понял, то смысл следующий, основным и чуть ли не главным нововведением в 4ой ветке ВиртуальнойКоробки будет разделение на ядро и модули (плагины), последние при этом будут продаваться за денюжку. Т.е халявная ВКоробка с поддержкой USB, RDP и прочего канет в небытие и станет RIP, как собсно и все что досталось Ораклу от Санок.