История изменений

Исправление AP, (текущая версия) :

Главное - чтобы оно перестало глючить и падать как последняя скотина.

Цитирую переписку с одним из разработчиков:[br

About the stability I want to add that there are basically two big groups of problems: the one is the cad kernel (OCC) as Yorik already said and the other one are graphic driver/OpenGL problems — especially on Linux. But similar to OCC this is something we have no control over.
However, most of the latter problems can be solved by installing the proprietary driver or enabling hardware acceleration. If a user reports about graphic problems then our standard answer is to use another OpenGL-based application like Blender and in 95% it turned out that there is exactly the same problem.

Короче, половина проблем — в Open CASCADE.

Исходная версия AP, :

Главное - чтобы оно перестало глючить и падать как последняя скотина.

Цитирую переписку с одним из разработчиков:

About the stability I want to add that there are basically two big groups of problems: the one is the cad kernel (OCC) as Yorik already said and the other one are graphic driver/OpenGL problems — especially on Linux. But similar to OCC this is something we have no control over.
However, most of the latter problems can be solved by installing the proprietary driver or enabling hardware acceleration. If a user reports about graphic problems then our standard answer is to use another OpenGL-based application like Blender and in 95% it turned out that there is exactly the same problem.