... на висте :)
СЕО компании StarDock (которая делает WindowBlinds для соплепускания вендузятников) жалуется на убогий механизм отображения интерфейса висты. Несколько цитат для Ъ:
Про темы на msstyles: Windows Vista has .msstyles too but the format is obfuscated. In XP, the format was literally documented. So there is no StyleBuilder equivalent to making a .msstyles file on Vista. Instead, it involves hex editing your own .msstyles bit by bit. Even then, only small parts of the Aero (the default Windows Vista skin -- that glassy look) have been changed so far in the resulting Vista .msstyles.
Про UAC:
What is it with Microsoft and confirmation dialogs? Ever try to edit your Windows Live Messenger contact list? Go ahead, try to delete a contact. I'll wait. Confirmations. You can't get rid of them. Copying a file from a network drive gives you a confirmation dialog too -- as if I had a muscle spasm when I dragged and dropped files. But all that's a picnic compared to trying to actually integrate new features into the OS. That's because the User Account Control system (UAС) is evil.
Про сайдбар:
Just how big a failure is the Windows Vista Sidebar? Even though it's trivially easy to skin, hardly anyone bothers to make skins for it. Heck, most people just turn it off once they figure out how to. It's just completely useless. The Sidebar gallery on WinCustomize has had 1 skin since October. WindowBlinds 6, which supports Sidebar skins has virtually no skins for it. If you look at the screenshots of people using the Sidebar, you can tell they're not really using it. A clock and maybe a CPU meter? Take a look back at the screenshot at the start of this article from 1994. That sidebar (Control Center for OS/2) was more useful than the Sidebar. At least it had really good virtual desktops built in. The gallery at Live.com is similarly depressing. The Sidebar should just be quietly taken in back and shot.
Замечательная статья http://www.wincustomize.com/Articles.aspx?aid=302541