История изменений
Исправление af5, (текущая версия) :
Похоже всё же кривой диск/прошивка/sata-контроллер/драйвер SATA
Storage devices with write caches report I/O as «complete» when the data is in cache; if the cache loses power, it loses its data as well. Worse, as the cache de-stages to persistent storage, it may change the original metadata ordering. When this occurs, the commit block may be present on disk without having the complete, associated transaction in place. As a result, the journal may replay these uninitialized transaction blocks into the file system during post-power-loss recovery; this will cause data inconsistency and corruption.
Видимо в таких случаях (кривое железо) ФС и сыпится
Исправление af5, :
Похоже всё же кривой диск/прошивка/sata-контроллер/драйвер SATA
Storage devices with write caches report I/O as «complete» when the data is in cache; if the cache loses power, it loses its data as well. Worse, as the cache de-stages to persistent storage, it may change the original metadata ordering. When this occurs, the commit block may be present on disk without having the complete, associated transaction in place. As a result, the journal may replay these uninitialized transaction blocks into the file system during post-power-loss recovery; this will cause data inconsistency and corruption.
Видимо в таких случаях ФС и сыпится
Исходная версия af5, :
Похоже всё же кривой диск/прошивка/sata-контроллер/драйвер SATA
Storage devices with write caches report I/O as «complete» when the data is in cache; if the cache loses power, it loses its data as well. Worse, as the cache de-stages to persistent storage, it may change the original metadata ordering. When this occurs, the commit block may be present on disk without having the complete, associated transaction in place. As a result, the journal may replay these uninitialized transaction blocks into the file system during post-power-loss recovery; this will cause data inconsistency and corruption.
Видимо в таких случаях ФС и сыпится