История изменений

Исправление targitaj, (текущая версия) :

Так, ну вроде с этим вопросом понятно.

Godaddy does not send DNS «notify» packets to us (or any third party nameserver) when you update your zone settings – so set your «refresh» interval in your SOA there to a suitable value (also note that we put in a process here which reloads any Godaddy secondaries several times an hour)

Ясненько. Завтра позвоню им в саппорт за подтверждением.

Исходная версия targitaj, :

Так, ну вроде с этим вопросом понятно.

Godaddy does not send DNS «notify» packets to us (or any third party nameserver) when you update your zone settings – so set your «refresh» interval in your SOA there to a suitable value (also note that we put in a process here which reloads any Godaddy secondaries several times an hour)
