История изменений
Исправление chemtech, (текущая версия) :
Спасибо! Работает
[root@zabbix-server 1]# zabbix-cli --command "import_configuration /root/1/Template\ App\ Apache\ Status.xml 0"
[Done]: Total files Imported [1] / Not imported [0]
[root@zabbix-server 1]# zabbix-cli --command "link_template_to_host 'Template App Apache' 'Zabbix server'"
[Done]: Templates Template App Apache ({"templateid":"10162"}) linked to these hosts: Zabbix server ({"hostid":"10084"})
[root@zabbix-server 1]# zabbix-cli --command "unlink_template_from_host 'Template App Apache' 'Zabbix server'"
[Done]: Templates Template App Apache (10162) unlinked and cleared from these hosts: Zabbix server (10084)
Исходная версия chemtech, :
[root@zabbix-server 1]# zabbix-cli --command "import_configuration /root/1/Template\ App\ Apache\ Status.xml 0"
[Done]: Total files Imported [1] / Not imported [0]
[root@zabbix-server 1]# zabbix-cli --command "link_template_to_host 'Template App Apache' 'Zabbix server'"
[Done]: Templates Template App Apache ({"templateid":"10162"}) linked to these hosts: Zabbix server ({"hostid":"10084"})
[root@zabbix-server 1]# zabbix-cli --command "unlink_template_from_host 'Template App Apache' 'Zabbix server'"
[Done]: Templates Template App Apache (10162) unlinked and cleared from these hosts: Zabbix server (10084)