История изменений

Исправление EXL, (текущая версия) :

git clone -b v1.7.0 --depth=1 # (без опций, если нужен clone с текущей development-ветки)
cd stlink/
mkdir build; cd build/
make -j4
sudo make install # (вообще так делать плохо)

$ st-flash 
invalid command line
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--reset] [--connect-under-reset] [--hot-plug] [--opt] [--serial <serial>] [--format <format>] [--flash=<fsize>] [--freq=<KHz>] [--area=<area>] {read|write} [path] [addr] [size]
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--connect-under-reset] [--hot-plug] [--freq=<KHz>] [--serial <serial>] erase
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--freq=<KHz>] [--serial <serial>] reset
   <addr>, <serial> and <size>: Use hex format.
   <fsize>: Use decimal, octal or hex (prefix 0xXXX) format, optionally followed by k=KB, or m=MB (eg. --flash=128k)
   <format>: Can be 'binary' (default) or 'ihex', although <addr> must be specified for binary format only.
   <area>: Can be 'main' (default), 'system', 'otp', 'optcr', 'optcr1', 'option' or 'option_boot_add'
print tool version info:   ./st-flash [--version]
example read option byte: ./st-flash --area=option read [path] [size]
example write option byte: ./st-flash --area=option write 0xXXXXXXXX
On selected targets:
example read boot_add option byte:  ./st-flash --area=option_boot_add read
example write boot_add option byte: ./st-flash --area=option_boot_add write 0xXXXXXXXX
example read option control register byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr read
example write option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr write 0xXXXXXXXX
example read option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr1 read
example write option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr1 write 0xXXXXXXXX

P.S. для корректной сборки нужно установить dev/devel пакеты libgtk3 и libusb.

Исправление EXL, :

git clone -b v1.7.0 --depth=1 # (без опций, если нужен clone с текущей development-ветки)
cd stlink/
mkdir build; cd build/
make -j4
sudo make install # (вообще так делать плохо)

$ st-flash 
invalid command line
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--reset] [--connect-under-reset] [--hot-plug] [--opt] [--serial <serial>] [--format <format>] [--flash=<fsize>] [--freq=<KHz>] [--area=<area>] {read|write} [path] [addr] [size]
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--connect-under-reset] [--hot-plug] [--freq=<KHz>] [--serial <serial>] erase
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--freq=<KHz>] [--serial <serial>] reset
   <addr>, <serial> and <size>: Use hex format.
   <fsize>: Use decimal, octal or hex (prefix 0xXXX) format, optionally followed by k=KB, or m=MB (eg. --flash=128k)
   <format>: Can be 'binary' (default) or 'ihex', although <addr> must be specified for binary format only.
   <area>: Can be 'main' (default), 'system', 'otp', 'optcr', 'optcr1', 'option' or 'option_boot_add'
print tool version info:   ./st-flash [--version]
example read option byte: ./st-flash --area=option read [path] [size]
example write option byte: ./st-flash --area=option write 0xXXXXXXXX
On selected targets:
example read boot_add option byte:  ./st-flash --area=option_boot_add read
example write boot_add option byte: ./st-flash --area=option_boot_add write 0xXXXXXXXX
example read option control register byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr read
example write option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr write 0xXXXXXXXX
example read option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr1 read
example write option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr1 write 0xXXXXXXXX

Исходная версия EXL, :

git clone -b v1.7.0 --depth=1 # (без опций, если нужен clone с текущей development-ветки)
cd stlink/
mkdir build; cd build/
make -j4
sudo make install # (вообще так делать плохо)

$ st-flash 
invalid command line
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--reset] [--connect-under-reset] [--hot-plug] [--opt] [--serial <serial>] [--format <format>] [--flash=<fsize>] [--freq=<KHz>] [--area=<area>] {read|write} [path] [addr] [size]
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--connect-under-reset] [--hot-plug] [--freq=<KHz>] [--serial <serial>] erase
command line:   ./st-flash [--debug] [--freq=<KHz>] [--serial <serial>] reset
   <addr>, <serial> and <size>: Use hex format.
   <fsize>: Use decimal, octal or hex (prefix 0xXXX) format, optionally followed by k=KB, or m=MB (eg. --flash=128k)
   <format>: Can be 'binary' (default) or 'ihex', although <addr> must be specified for binary format only.
   <area>: Can be 'main' (default), 'system', 'otp', 'optcr', 'optcr1', 'option' or 'option_boot_add'
print tool version info:   ./st-flash [--version]
example read option byte: ./st-flash --area=option read [path] [size]
example write option byte: ./st-flash --area=option write 0xXXXXXXXX
On selected targets:
example read boot_add option byte:  ./st-flash --area=option_boot_add read
example write boot_add option byte: ./st-flash --area=option_boot_add write 0xXXXXXXXX
example read option control register byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr read
example write option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr write 0xXXXXXXXX
example read option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr1 read
example write option control register1 byte:  ./st-flash --area=optcr1 write 0xXXXXXXXX