Коллеги хочу передать стрим в свою локалку через публичный сервер (он получается что работает как ретрансмиттер , просто берет публчиный HLS и его отдает нам { VPN точно не тормозит проверял mtr и iperf3 } P
Сама строчка на сервере
cvlc -vvv http://ap.live:8081/live/аааx.stream/playlist.m3u8 --sout '#transcode{scodec=none}:http{mux=ts,dst=:8080/asd0506334131}' --no-sout-all --sout-keep --http-caching 30000 --live-caching 30000 --network-caching 30000
однако через 60-90 сек выдает следуюшие ошибки:
[00007f025c000c80] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1000 ms)
[00007f026001d130] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
00007f7484000cd0] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (jitter of 9125 ms ignored)
[00007f747c4e9a30] main decoder error: Timestamp conversion failed for 405261001: no reference clock
[00007f747c4e9a30] main decoder error: Could not convert timestamps 0, 0 for copy
[00007f747c4c91e0] main mux warning: late buffer for mux input (859485)
[00007f747c52d6b0] main decoder error: Timestamp conversion failed for 405290667: no reference clock
[00007f747c52d6b0] main decoder error: Could not convert timestamps 0, 0 for mpeg4audio
[00007f747c4c91e0] main mux warning: late buffer for mux input (6484263174958)
[00007f747c4c91e0] main mux warning: late buffer for mux input (6484263175259)
[00007f747c52d6b0] main decoder error: Timestamp conversion failed for 405312000: no reference clock
[00007f747c52d6b0] main decoder error: Could not convert timestamps 0, 0 for mpeg4audio
[00007f747c4c91e0] main mux warning: late buffer for mux input (6484263175296)
[00007f747c4c91e0] mux_ts mux error: non dated packet dropped
[00007f747c4c91e0] mux_ts mux error: non dated packet dropped
[00007f747c4c91e0] mux_ts mux error: non dated packet dropped