История изменений
Исправление makoven, (текущая версия) :
The AllJoyn system and D-bus specification
The AllJoyn system implements a largely compatible version of the D-Bus over-the-wire protocol and conforms to many of the naming conventions and guidelines in the D-Bus specification. The AllJoyn system has extended and significantly enhanced D-Bus message bus to support a distributed bus scenario. The AllJoyn system makes use of the D-Bus specification as follows:
- It uses the D-Bus data type system and D-Bus marshaling format.
- It implements an enhanced version of the D-Bus over-the-wire protocol by adding new flags and headers (detailed in Message format).
- It uses D-Bus naming guidelines for naming well-known names (Service names), interface names, interface member names (methods, signals and properties) and object path names.
- It uses a D-Bus defined Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) framework for application layer authentication between AllJoyn-enabled applications. It supports authentication mechanisms beyond what are defines by the D-Bus specification.
Исходная версия makoven, :
The AllJoyn system and D-bus specification
The AllJoyn system implements a largely compatible version of the D-Bus over-the-wire protocol and conforms to many of the naming conventions and guidelines in the D-Bus specification. The AllJoyn system has extended and significantly enhanced D-Bus message bus to support a distributed bus scenario. The AllJoyn system makes use of the D-Bus specification as follows:
It uses the D-Bus data type system and D-Bus marshaling format. It implements an enhanced version of the D-Bus over-the-wire protocol by adding new flags and headers (detailed in Message format). It uses D-Bus naming guidelines for naming well-known names (Service names), interface names, interface member names (methods, signals and properties) and object path names. It uses a D-Bus defined Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) framework for application layer authentication between AllJoyn-enabled applications. It supports authentication mechanisms beyond what are defines by the D-Bus specification.