История изменений
Исправление bryak, (текущая версия) :
Самое интересное, что
(defn join-rose
"Turn a tree of trees into a single tree. Does this by concatenating
children of the inner and outer trees."
{:no-doc true}
[[[inner-root inner-children] children]]
[inner-root (concat (clojure.core/map join-rose children)
join-rose inner-root inner-children children
hi[clojureSymbol] trans[clojureSymbol] lo[clojureSymbol] fg[-1]
Т.е если сделать
hi clojureSymbol ctermfg=186 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
То получится вот так . Красиво, не правда ли ?
Исправление bryak, :
Самое интересное, что
(defn join-rose
"Turn a tree of trees into a single tree. Does this by concatenating
children of the inner and outer trees."
{:no-doc true}
[[[inner-root inner-children] children]]
[inner-root (concat (clojure.core/map join-rose children)
join-rose inner-root inner-children children
hi[clojureSymbol] trans[clojureSymbol] lo[clojureSymbol] fg[-1]
Т.е если сделать
hi clojureSymbol ctermfg=186 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
То получится вот так .
Исходная версия bryak, :
Самое интересное, что
(defn join-rose
"Turn a tree of trees into a single tree. Does this by concatenating
children of the inner and outer trees."
{:no-doc true}
[[[inner-root inner-children] children]]
[inner-root (concat (clojure.core/map join-rose children)
join-rose inner-root inner-children children
hi[clojureSymbol] trans[clojureSymbol] lo[clojureSymbol] fg[-1]