История изменений

Исправление PVOzerski, (текущая версия) :

Эта версия умеет работать с iconv'ом?

Я так понял, что аналогичный функционал реализован без iconv.
Цитирую информацию со странички Дмитрия Фролова:

Unzip - applied natspec patch from to support decoding of filenames in archives, created with different charset on Windows. Fixes bug #580961.

Zip - applied natspec+asdos patch from to support automatically encoding file names from current locale to a Windows encoding and create archives with DOS-compatible filenames by default. This is to complement changes to unzip utility.

P7zip - Use natspec library to encode/decode filenames in ZIP archives according to a charset used on Windows. Store file names in DOS-compatible format. Fixes bug #580961 in file-roller.

Libnatspec - used to detect appropriate charsets based on your locale. You need to set up your locale correctly.

Исправление PVOzerski, :

Эта версия умеет работать с iconv'ом?

Я так понял, что аналогичный функционал реализован без iconv.
Цитирую информацию со странички Дмирия Фролова:

Unzip - applied natspec patch from to support decoding of filenames in archives, created with different charset on Windows. Fixes bug #580961.

Zip - applied natspec+asdos patch from to support automatically encoding file names from current locale to a Windows encoding and create archives with DOS-compatible filenames by default. This is to complement changes to unzip utility.

P7zip - Use natspec library to encode/decode filenames in ZIP archives according to a charset used on Windows. Store file names in DOS-compatible format. Fixes bug #580961 in file-roller.

Libnatspec - used to detect appropriate charsets based on your locale. You need to set up your locale correctly.

Исходная версия PVOzerski, :

Эта версия умеет работать с iconv'ом?

Я так понял, что аналогичный функционал реализован без iconv.
Цитирую информацию со странички Дмирия Фролова:

Unzip - applied natspec patch from to support decoding of filenames in archives, created with different charset on Windows. Fixes bug #580961.

Zip - applied natspec+asdos patch from to support automatically encoding file names from current locale to a Windows encoding and create archives with DOS-compatible filenames by default. This is to complement changes to unzip utility.

P7zip - Use natspec library to encode/decode filenames in ZIP archives according to a charset used on Windows. Store file names in DOS-compatible format. Fixes bug #580961 in file-roller.

Libnatspec - used to detect appropriate charsets based on your locale. You need to set up your locale correctly.