История изменений

Исправление vvn_black, (текущая версия) :


$ fbgrab -h
fbgrab: option requires an argument -- 'h'
fbgrab - takes screenshots using the framebuffer, v1.2
Usage:   fbgrab [-hi] [-{C|c} vt] [-d dev] [-s n] [-z n]
                [-f fromfile -w n -h n -b n] filename.png

Possible options:
        -b n    force use of n bits/pixel, required when reading from file
        -C n    grab from console n, for slower framebuffers
        -c n    grab from console n
        -d dev  use framebuffer device dev instead of default
        -f file  read from file instead of framebuffer
        -h n    set height to n pixels, required when reading from file
                can be used to force height when reading from framebuffer
        -i      turns on interlacing in PNG
        -s n    sleep n seconds before making screenshot
        -v      verbose, print debug information.
        -w n    set width to n pixels, required when reading from file
                can be used to force width when reading from framebuffer
        -z n    PNG compression level: 0 (fast) .. 9 (best)
        -?      print this usage information

Исходная версия vvn_black, :


$ fbgrab -h
fbgrab: option requires an argument -- 'h'
fbgrab - takes screenshots using the framebuffer, v1.2
Usage:   fbgrab [-hi] [-{C|c} vt] [-d dev] [-s n] [-z n]
                [-f fromfile -w n -h n -b n] filename.png

Possible options:
        -b n    force use of n bits/pixel, required when reading from file
        -C n    grab from console n, for slower framebuffers
        -c n    grab from console n
        -d dev  use framebuffer device dev instead of default
        -f file  read from file instead of framebuffer
        -h n    set height to n pixels, required when reading from file
                can be used to force height when reading from framebuffer
        -i      turns on interlacing in PNG
        -s n    sleep n seconds before making screenshot
        -v      verbose, print debug information.
        -w n    set width to n pixels, required when reading from file
                can be used to force width when reading from framebuffer
        -z n    PNG compression level: 0 (fast) .. 9 (best)
        -?      print this usage information