История изменений
Исправление dissident, (текущая версия) :
Потому что это относительное смещение. То есть он смещает на i клиентов. Естественно 0 у тебя никуда не ведёт. Вторым аргументом awful.client.next() жрёт клиент, относительно которого смещать (по умолчанию — текущий клиент в фокусе).
А вот оказывается awful.client.next(0) как раз и возвращает текущего сфокусированного. Другие способы у меня не заработали (может не умею готовить их).
А если тебе нужно получить клиент в фокусе из всех, то нужно проходиться по всем клиентам:
Ну вот оказывается не нужно.
Может ещё что добавлю, когда окончательно проснусь.
Только добавь plz к тому, что ниже, бо оно работает. Вобщем я кончил.
Мне только не нравится функция selected_tag_number_of_clients, наверняка это можно сделать короче и без copy paste из функции client_taskbar_idx, но как я так и не понял.
Да и awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags(c, screen) в принципе лишнее, так как все это фильтруется и так при вызове awful.client.iterate, но это как раз неплохо, больше проверок - лучше.
Конечно если бы это было на работе или там в какой-то проект я бы такого не закомитил (из-за selected_tag_number_of_clients), а так - работает и ладно. Но любые упрощения mile widzane!
-- {{{ Mine
-- {{{ From https://www.reddit.com/r/awesomewm/comments/gd4qxl/get_index_of_client_in_tasklist/ with some modifications
local function fixed_indexing_filter(c, screen)
if not c then
return false
if not (c.skip_taskbar or c.hidden or c.type == "splash" or c.type == "dock" or c.type == "desktop") and
(screen == nil or awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags(c, screen)
) then
return true
return false
-- Returns client index in the taskbar (first on the left will have index = 1)
local function client_taskbar_idx(client)
local focused_screen = awful.screen.focused()
local selected_tag = focused_screen.selected_tag
local selected_tag_filter = function (c) return c.first_tag == selected_tag end
local first_client_taskbar_idx = 1
local client_screen = client.screen
local client_taskbar_idx = 0
for c in awful.client.iterate(selected_tag_filter, first_client_taskbar_idx, focused_screen) do
if fixed_indexing_filter(c, client_screen) then
client_taskbar_idx = client_taskbar_idx + 1
if (c == client) then
return client_taskbar_idx
return nil
-- }}}
-- Returns total number of clients in the currently selected tag
local function selected_tag_number_of_clients()
local focused_screen = awful.screen.focused()
local selected_tag = focused_screen.selected_tag
local selected_tag_filter = function (c) return c.first_tag == selected_tag end
local first_client_taskbar_idx = 1
local number_of_clients = 0
for c in awful.client.iterate(selected_tag_filter, first_client_taskbar_idx, focused_screen) do
if fixed_indexing_filter(c) then
number_of_clients = number_of_clients + 1
return number_of_clients
-- Switches focus to the client of index in the taskbar = taskbar_idx:
-- * client with 1st taskbar item will have index 1
-- * client with 2nd taskbar item will have index 2
-- * etc
local function client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(taskbar_idx)
-- User wants to focus a non-existing client, e.g. there are only 2 opened in
-- focused screen selected tag cllients and user wants to focus 3rd one, as there is
-- no 3rd one just do nothing
if taskbar_idx < 1 or taskbar_idx > selected_tag_number_of_clients() then
local focused_client = awful.client.next(0) -- does not work
if focused_client ~= nil then
local focused_client_taskbar_idx = client_taskbar_idx(focused_client)
if focused_client_taskbar_idx ~= nil then
local relative_idx = taskbar_idx - focused_client_taskbar_idx
--- }}}
-- }}}
-- {{{ Key bindings
globalkeys = gears.table.join(
--- skip ---
-- {{{ Mine: added/changes navigation for clients
--- skip ---
-- {{{ added (browser-tab-like switching of clients):
-- moving between windows with Mod4-Fn (as between tags with Mod4-n)
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F1",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(1) end,
{description = "focus client 1 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F2",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(2) end,
{description = "focus client 2 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F3",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(3) end,
{description = "focus client 3 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F4",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(4) end,
{description = "focus client 4 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F5",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(5) end,
{description = "focus client 5 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F6",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(6) end,
{description = "focus client 6 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F7",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(7) end,
{description = "focus client 7 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F8",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(8) end,
{description = "focus client 8 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F9",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(9) end,
{description = "focus client 9 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F10",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(10) end,
{description = "focus client 10 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F11",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(11) end,
{description = "focus client 11 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F12",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(12) end,
{description = "focus client 12 in taskbar", group = "client"}
-- }}}
-- }}}
Исправление dissident, :
Потому что это относительное смещение. То есть он смещает на i клиентов. Естественно 0 у тебя никуда не ведёт. Вторым аргументом awful.client.next() жрёт клиент, относительно которого смещать (по умолчанию — текущий клиент в фокусе).
А вот оказывается awful.client.next(0) как раз и возвращает текущего сфокусированного. Другие способы у меня не заработали (может не умею готовить их).
А если тебе нужно получить клиент в фокусе из всех, то нужно проходиться по всем клиентам:
Ну вот оказывается не нужно.
Может ещё что добавлю, когда окончательно проснусь.
Только добавь plz к тому, что ниже, бо оно работает. Вобщем я кончил.
Мне только не нравится функция selected_tag_number_of_clients, наверняка это можно сделать короче и без copy paste из функции client_taskbar_idx, но как я так и не понял.
Да и awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags(c, screen) в принципе лишнее, так как все это фильтруется и так при вызове awful.client.iterate, но это как раз неплохо, больше проверок - лучше.
Конечно если бы это было на работе или там в какой-то проект я бы такого не закомитил (из-за selected_tag_number_of_clients), а так - работает и ладно. Но любые упрощения mile widzane!
-- {{{ Mine
-- {{{ From https://www.reddit.com/r/awesomewm/comments/gd4qxl/get_index_of_client_in_tasklist/ with some modifications
local function fixed_indexing_filter(c, screen)
if not c then
return false
if not (c.skip_taskbar or c.hidden or c.type == "splash" or c.type == "dock" or c.type == "desktop") and
(screen == nil or awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags(c, screen)
) then
return true
return false
-- Returns client index in the taskbar (first on the left will have index = 1)
local function client_taskbar_idx(client)
local focused_screen = awful.screen.focused()
local selected_tag = focused_screen.selected_tag
local selected_tag_filter = function (c) return c.first_tag == selected_tag end
local first_client_taskbar_idx = 1
local client_screen = client.screen
local client_taskbar_idx = 0
for c in awful.client.iterate(selected_tag_filter, first_client_taskbar_idx, focused_screen) do
if fixed_indexing_filter(c, client_screen) then
client_taskbar_idx = client_taskbar_idx + 1
if (c == client) then
return client_taskbar_idx
return nil
-- }}}
-- Returns total number of clients in the currently selected tag
local function selected_tag_number_of_clients()
local focused_screen = awful.screen.focused()
local selected_tag = focused_screen.selected_tag
local selected_tag_filter = function (c) return c.first_tag == selected_tag end
local first_client_taskbar_idx = 1
local number_of_clients = 0
for c in awful.client.iterate(selected_tag_filter, first_client_taskbar_idx, focused_screen) do
if fixed_indexing_filter(c) then
number_of_clients = number_of_clients + 1
return number_of_clients
-- Switches focus to the client of index in the taskbar = taskbar_idx:
-- * client with 1st taskbar item will have index 1
-- * client with 2nd taskbar item will have index 2
-- * etc
local function client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(taskbar_idx)
-- User wants to focus a non-existing client, e.g. there are only 2 opened in
-- focused screen selected tag cllients and user wants to focus 3rd one, as there is
-- no 3rd one just do nothing
if taskbar_idx < 1 or taskbar_idx > selected_tag_number_of_clients() then
local focused_client = awful.client.next(0) -- does not work
if focused_client ~= nil then
local focused_client_taskbar_idx = client_taskbar_idx(focused_client)
if focused_client_taskbar_idx ~= nil then
local relative_idx = taskbar_idx - focused_client_taskbar_idx
--- }}}
-- }}}
-- {{{ Key bindings
globalkeys = gears.table.join(
--- skip ---
-- {{{ Mine: added/changes navigation for clients
--- skip ---
-- {{{ added (browser-tab-like switching of clients):
-- moving between windows with Mod4-FNN (as between tags with Mod4-N)
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F1",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(1) end,
{description = "focus client 1 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F2",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(2) end,
{description = "focus client 2 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F3",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(3) end,
{description = "focus client 3 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F4",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(4) end,
{description = "focus client 4 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F5",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(5) end,
{description = "focus client 5 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F6",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(6) end,
{description = "focus client 6 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F7",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(7) end,
{description = "focus client 7 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F8",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(8) end,
{description = "focus client 8 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F9",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(9) end,
{description = "focus client 9 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F10",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(10) end,
{description = "focus client 10 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F11",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(11) end,
{description = "focus client 11 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F12",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(12) end,
{description = "focus client 12 in taskbar", group = "client"}
-- }}}
-- }}}
Исходная версия dissident, :
Потому что это относительное смещение. То есть он смещает на i клиентов. Естественно 0 у тебя никуда не ведёт. Вторым аргументом awful.client.next() жрёт клиент, относительно которого смещать (по умолчанию — текущий клиент в фокусе).
А вот оказывается awful.client.next(0) как раз и возвращает текущего сфокусированного. Другие способы у меня не заработали (может не умею готовить их).
А если тебе нужно получить клиент в фокусе из всех, то нужно проходиться по всем клиентам:
Ну вот оказывается не нужно.
Может ещё что добавлю, когда окончательно проснусь.
Только добавь plz к тому, что ниже, бо оно работает. Вобщем я кончил.
Мне только не нравится функция selected_tag_number_of_clients, наверняка это можно сделать короче и без copy paste из функции client_taskbar_idx, но как я так и не понял.
Да и awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags(c, screen) в принципе лишнее, так как все это фильтруется и так при вызове awful.client.iterate, но это как раз неплохо, больше проверок - лучше.
Конечно если бы это было на работе или там в какой-то проект я бы такого не закомитил (из-за selected_tag_number_of_clients, а так - работает и ладно. Но любые упрощения mile widzane!
-- {{{ Mine
-- {{{ From https://www.reddit.com/r/awesomewm/comments/gd4qxl/get_index_of_client_in_tasklist/ with some modifications
local function fixed_indexing_filter(c, screen)
if not c then
return false
if not (c.skip_taskbar or c.hidden or c.type == "splash" or c.type == "dock" or c.type == "desktop") and
(screen == nil or awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags(c, screen)
) then
return true
return false
-- Returns client index in the taskbar (first on the left will have index = 1)
local function client_taskbar_idx(client)
local focused_screen = awful.screen.focused()
local selected_tag = focused_screen.selected_tag
local selected_tag_filter = function (c) return c.first_tag == selected_tag end
local first_client_taskbar_idx = 1
local client_screen = client.screen
local client_taskbar_idx = 0
for c in awful.client.iterate(selected_tag_filter, first_client_taskbar_idx, focused_screen) do
if fixed_indexing_filter(c, client_screen) then
client_taskbar_idx = client_taskbar_idx + 1
if (c == client) then
return client_taskbar_idx
return nil
-- }}}
-- Returns total number of clients in the currently selected tag
local function selected_tag_number_of_clients()
local focused_screen = awful.screen.focused()
local selected_tag = focused_screen.selected_tag
local selected_tag_filter = function (c) return c.first_tag == selected_tag end
local first_client_taskbar_idx = 1
local number_of_clients = 0
for c in awful.client.iterate(selected_tag_filter, first_client_taskbar_idx, focused_screen) do
if fixed_indexing_filter(c) then
number_of_clients = number_of_clients + 1
return number_of_clients
-- Switches focus to the client of index in the taskbar = taskbar_idx:
-- * client with 1st taskbar item will have index 1
-- * client with 2nd taskbar item will have index 2
-- * etc
local function client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(taskbar_idx)
-- User wants to focus a non-existing client, e.g. there are only 2 opened in
-- focused screen selected tag cllients and user wants to focus 3rd one, as there is
-- no 3rd one just do nothing
if taskbar_idx < 1 or taskbar_idx > selected_tag_number_of_clients() then
local focused_client = awful.client.next(0) -- does not work
if focused_client ~= nil then
local focused_client_taskbar_idx = client_taskbar_idx(focused_client)
if focused_client_taskbar_idx ~= nil then
local relative_idx = taskbar_idx - focused_client_taskbar_idx
--- }}}
-- }}}
-- {{{ Key bindings
globalkeys = gears.table.join(
--- skip ---
-- {{{ Mine: added/changes navigation for clients
--- skip ---
-- {{{ added (browser-tab-like switching of clients):
-- moving between windows with Mod4-FNN (as between tags with Mod4-N)
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F1",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(1) end,
{description = "focus client 1 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F2",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(2) end,
{description = "focus client 2 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F3",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(3) end,
{description = "focus client 3 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F4",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(4) end,
{description = "focus client 4 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F5",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(5) end,
{description = "focus client 5 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F6",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(6) end,
{description = "focus client 6 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F7",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(7) end,
{description = "focus client 7 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F8",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(8) end,
{description = "focus client 8 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F9",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(9) end,
{description = "focus client 9 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F10",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(10) end,
{description = "focus client 10 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F11",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(11) end,
{description = "focus client 11 in taskbar", group = "client"}
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F12",
function () client_focus_by_taskbar_idx(12) end,
{description = "focus client 12 in taskbar", group = "client"}
-- }}}
-- }}}