История изменений

Исправление Manhunt, (текущая версия) :


Defective by design. Спецификация yaml не говорит ничего конкретного о том, как же, наконец, получить human-friendly output:

«The final output process is presenting the YAML serializations as a character stream in a human-friendly manner. To maximize human readability, YAML offers a rich set of stylistic options which go far beyond the minimal functional needs of simple data storage. Therefore the YAML processor is required to introduce various presentation details when creating the stream, such as the choice of node styles, how to format scalar content, the amount of indentation, which tag handles to use, the node tags to leave unspecified, the set of directives to provide and possibly even what comments to add. While some of this can be done with the help of the application, in general this process should be guided by the preferences of the user.» ( )

«While some of this can be done with the help of the application, in general this process should be guided by the preferences of the user.» <-- Вот эта хрень, от которой readability зависит на 146%, никак вообще не специфицрована.

Исправление Manhunt, :


Defective by design. Спецификация yaml не говорит ничего конкретного о том, как же, наконец, получить human-friendly output:

«The final output process is presenting the YAML serializations as a character stream in a human-friendly manner. To maximize human readability, YAML offers a rich set of stylistic options which go far beyond the minimal functional needs of simple data storage. Therefore the YAML processor is required to introduce various presentation details when creating the stream, such as the choice of node styles, how to format scalar content, the amount of indentation, which tag handles to use, the node tags to leave unspecified, the set of directives to provide and possibly even what comments to add. While some of this can be done with the help of the application, in general this process should be guided by the preferences of the user.» ( )

Исходная версия Manhunt, :


Defective by desing. Спецификация yaml не говорит ничего конкретного о том, как же, наконец, получить human-friendly output:

«The final output process is presenting the YAML serializations as a character stream in a human-friendly manner. To maximize human readability, YAML offers a rich set of stylistic options which go far beyond the minimal functional needs of simple data storage. Therefore the YAML processor is required to introduce various presentation details when creating the stream, such as the choice of node styles, how to format scalar content, the amount of indentation, which tag handles to use, the node tags to leave unspecified, the set of directives to provide and possibly even what comments to add. While some of this can be done with the help of the application, in general this process should be guided by the preferences of the user.» ( )