Здравствуйте, уважаемые форумчане. Нашёл вот исходник игры Жизнь во время компиляции: https://github.com/sirgal/compile-time-game-of-life/blob/master/main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
struct O { }; // dead
struct X { }; // alive
// starting level
using start = tuple<
O, O, O, O, O,
O, O, X, O, O,
O, O, O, X, O,
O, X, X, X, O,
O, O, O, O, O
// field dimensions
const int width = 5;
const int height = 5;
// iterations of the game
const int iterations = 20;
const int point_count = width*height;
static_assert( point_count == tuple_size<start>(), "Dimension mismatch!" );
// helper functions to determine whether the point is alive or dead
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_alive();
constexpr bool is_alive<O>()
{ return false; }
constexpr bool is_alive<X>()
{ return true; }
// print O or X, based on element type
template <typename Type>
void print();
void print<O>()
{ cout << "O"; }
void print<X>()
{ cout << "X"; }
// helper functions to determine borders of a gaming field
constexpr bool is_top( int N )
{ return N < width; }
constexpr bool is_bot( int N )
{ return (N + width) >= point_count; }
constexpr bool is_left( int N )
{ return N % width == 0; }
constexpr bool is_right( int N )
{ return (N + 1) % width == 0; }
// count alive elements in a tuple
template <typename tuple, int N>
struct tuple_counter
constexpr static int value = is_alive<typename tuple_element<N, tuple>::type>()
+ tuple_counter<tuple, N-1>::value;
template <typename tuple>
struct tuple_counter<tuple, 0>
constexpr static int value = is_alive<typename tuple_element<0, tuple>::type>();
// print the game field nicely
template <typename tuple, int N>
struct Printer {
static void print_tuple()
Printer<tuple, N-1>::print_tuple();
if( N % width == 0 ) cout << endl;
print<typename tuple_element<N, tuple>::type>();
template <typename tuple>
struct Printer<tuple, 0> {
static void print_tuple()
print<typename tuple_element<0, tuple>::type>();
// game rules that determine next point state
template <typename point, typename neighbors>
struct calc_next_point_state
constexpr static int neighbor_cnt =
tuple_counter<neighbors, tuple_size<neighbors>() - 1>::value;
using type =
typename conditional <
typename conditional <
(neighbor_cnt > 3) || (neighbor_cnt < 2),
typename conditional <
(neighbor_cnt == 3),
// the main level grid
template <typename initial_state>
struct level
template <int N>
using point = typename tuple_element<N, initial_state>::type;
template <int N>
using neighbors = tuple
// maybe these aren't completely correct, needs checking
// left
point< is_left(N) ? (N + width - 1) : (N - 1) >,
// right
point< is_right(N) ? (N - width + 1) : (N + 1) >,
// top
point< is_top(N) ? (point_count - width + N) : (N - width) >,
// top-left
point< (N == 0) ? (point_count - 1) : (is_left(N) ? (N - 1) : ( is_top(N) ? (point_count - width + N - 1) : (N - width - 1)) ) >,
// top-right
point< (N == (width-1)) ? (point_count - width) : (is_right(N) ? (N - width*2 + 1) : ( is_top(N) ? (point_count - width + N + 1) : (N - width + 1)) ) >,
// bottom
point< (N + width >= point_count) ? (N + width - point_count) : (N + width) >,
// bottom-left
point< (N == (point_count - width)) ? (width - 1) : (is_left(N) ? (N + width*2 - 1) : (is_bot(N) ? (N + width - point_count - 1) : (N + width - 1))) >,
// bottom-right
point< (N == (point_count - 1)) ? (0) : ((N+1) % width == 0 ? (N+1) : (is_bot(N) ? (N + width - point_count + 1) : (N+width+1)) )>
template <int N>
using next_point_state = typename calc_next_point_state<point<N>, neighbors<N>>::type;
// concatenate two tuples into one
template <typename tuple_1, typename tuple_2>
struct my_tuple_cat
using result = decltype( tuple_cat( declval<tuple_1>(), declval<tuple_2>() ) );
// get the next gaming field tuple
template <typename field, int iter>
struct next_field_state
template<int N>
using point = level<field>::next_point_state<N>;
using next_field = typename my_tuple_cat <
tuple< point<point_count - iter> >,
typename next_field_state<field, iter-1>::next_field
template <typename field>
struct next_field_state<field, 1>
template<int N>
using point = level<field>::next_point_state<N>;
using next_field = tuple< point<point_count - 1> >;
// calculate the game and print it
template <typename field, int iters>
struct game_process
static void print()
Printer< field, point_count - 1 >::print_tuple();
cout << endl << endl;
game_process< typename next_field_state<field, point_count>::next_field, iters-1 >::print();
template <typename field>
struct game_process<field, 0>
static void print()
Printer< field, point_count - 1 >::print_tuple();
cout << endl;
int main()
game_process< start, iterations >::print();
return 0;
Итак, теперь пытаемся скомпилить эту радость. При увеличении размерности поля до 7 на 7, g++ на лине просто отжирает 10 гигов рамы и уходит в свап. и компилит всю эту радость очень долго. на оффтопике вижла компилит за секунд 5 и отжирает максимум 400мб рамы.