История изменений
Исправление slackwarrior, (текущая версия) :
Ты так говоришь, будто не придирался к based и hybrid ссылаясь на «проплаченные маркетинговым отделом» домыслы Захарки... или тиммейтов Катлера, которые он собсна и цитировал:
«The structure of the kernel was itself complex, consisting of many pieces, which called each other or the hardware directly. Often pieces of the kernel called a bedrock layer of code, the „microkernel," which was the ultimate chief of staff within NT. Cutler, who had written a microkernel while at Digital, planned to write the one for NT. This seemed fitting to one teammate, who saw eerie parallels between Cutler's role on the team and the microkernel's authority over the operating system“ (с)
:) (А тиммейт просто Катлера с микроядром сравнил... Короче Катлер с командой изнасиловали Захарку и маркетинговый отдел микрософт. Так и запишем)
Исходная версия slackwarrior, :
Ты так говоришь, будто не придирался к based и hybrid ссылаясь на «проплаченные маркетинговым отделом» домыслы Захарки... или тиммейтов Катлера, которые он собсна и цитировал:
"The structure of the kernel was itself complex,
consisting of many pieces, which
called each other or the hardware directly. Often p
ieces of the kernel called a bedrock
layer of code, the "microkernel,'' which was the ul
timate chief of staff within NT. [b]Cutler,
who had written a microkernel while at Digital, pla
nned to write the one for NT. This
seemed fitting to one teammate, who saw eerie parallels between Cutler's role on the team
and the microkernel's authority over the operating
system" (с)