История изменений

Исправление MyTrooName, (текущая версия) :

A portion of the community (and of the core team) sees one or more of the following features as important

A portion

может и не дойдет

но имхо Vec::new(capacity=10) > Vec::with_capacity(10) > Vec::new(10)

может, в очередном edition-e и появится

Исправление MyTrooName, :

A portion of the community (and of the core team) sees one or more of the following features as important

A portion

может и не дойдет

но имхо new(capacity=10) > with_capacity(10) > new(10)

может, в очередном edition-e и появится

Исходная версия MyTrooName, :

A portion of the community (and of the core team) sees one or more of the following features as important

A portion

может и не дойдет

но имхо new(capacity=10) > with_capacity(10) > new(10)