История изменений

Исправление saufesma, (текущая версия) :

Странно, у меня такое выдало

(in-package :APP)
(defvar arg)
(defun press (button)
  (accepting-values (*query-io* :own-window t)
    (format *query-io* "~A" arg)))
(defun squeeze (button)
  (accepting-values (*query-io* :own-window t)
    (format *query-io* "~A" arg)))
(declare (ignore button))

Execution of a form compiled with errors.
Compile-time error:
  There is no function named DECLARE.  References to DECLARE in some contexts
(like starts of blocks) are unevaluated expressions, but here the expression is
being evaluated, which invokes undefined behaviour.
   [Condition of type SB-INT:COMPILED-PROGRAM-ERROR]

Исходная версия saufesma, :

Странно, у меня такое выдало

Execution of a form compiled with errors.
Compile-time error:
  There is no function named DECLARE.  References to DECLARE in some contexts
(like starts of blocks) are unevaluated expressions, but here the expression is
being evaluated, which invokes undefined behaviour.
   [Condition of type SB-INT:COMPILED-PROGRAM-ERROR]