История изменений
(текущая версия)
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
студали, GoF писалось для C++ (и, как следствие, всяких жав с шарпами), попытка GoF натянуть на остальные языки - это сова/глобус.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? На:
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalk and C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава #1. Студали ты все Smalltalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVC should help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
студали, GoF писалось для C++ (и, как следствие, всяких жав с шарпами), попытка GoF натянуть на остальные языки - это сова/глобус.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? На:
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalk and C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава #1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVC should help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
студали, GoF писалось для C++ (и, как следствие, всяких жав с шарпами), попытка GoF натянуть на остальные языки - это сова/глобус.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? На:
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalk and C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава 1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVC should help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
студали, GoF писалось для C++ (и, как следствие, всяких жав с шарпами), попытка GoF натянуть на остальные языки - это сова/глобус.
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? Подчеркну:
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalk and C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава 1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVC should help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? Подчеркну:
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalk and C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава 1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVC should help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? Подчеркну:
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalkand C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава 1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVC should help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? Подчеркну:
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalkand C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава 1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVCshould help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? Подчеркну:
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalkand C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава 1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел после цитаты выше:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVCshould help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Сразу по Smalltalk первым идет, а не про С++. Вот тебе и «студали».
Исходная версия
anonymous (24.11.21 15:15:20)
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) is a software engineering book describing software design patterns. The book was written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Что блэт издеваешься, что ли? Подчеркну:
The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk.
Я даже спецом открыл книгу эту, цитирую:
Although design patterns describe object-oriented designs, they are based on practical solutions that have been implemented in mainstream object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalkand C++ rather than procedural languages (Pascal,C,Ada) or more dynamic object-oriented languages (CLOS, Dylan, Self). We chose Smalltalk and C++ for pragmatic reasons: Our day-to-day experience has been in these languages, and they are increasingly popular.
Если мы конкретно о GoF беседуем. На тебе цитату из книги авторов GoF, 4-ая страница глава 1. Студали ты все SmallTalk принижаешь? И выделяешь свой С++ ? Там дальше откровенно идет раздел:
1.2 Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC The Model/View/Controller (MVC) triad of classes [KP88] is used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk-80. Looking at the design patterns inside MVCshould help you see what we mean by the term «pattern.»
Вот тебе и «студали».