История изменений
Исправление saufesma, (текущая версия) :
My problem boiled down to this tiny closure
(make-instance 'lw-gt:objects-displayer
:drawing-object (lw-gt:make-draw-line 0 10 40 10
:filled t :foreground :black)))
make-draw-line from-x from-y to-x to-y &rest args => apply-drawing-object
apply-drawing-object is Class
But Description states on the contrary, no any instance of apply-drawing-object required in code
The class apply-drawing-object is a drawing-object that applies a supplied function to a list of supplied arguments, normally preceded by the objects-displayer. Its main usage is for doing the actual drawing.
Is it idiosyncrasy of LispWorks?
Исправление saufesma, :
My problem boiled down to this tiny closure
(make-instance 'lw-gt:objects-displayer
:drawing-object (lw-gt:make-draw-line 0 10 40 10
:filled t :foreground :black)))
make-draw-line from-x from-y to-x to-y &rest args => apply-drawing-object
apply-drawing-object is Class
But Description states on the contrary, no any instance of apply-drawing-object
The class apply-drawing-object is a drawing-object that applies a supplied function to a list of supplied arguments, normally preceded by the objects-displayer. Its main usage is for doing the actual drawing.
Is it idiosyncrasy of LispWorks?
Исходная версия saufesma, :
My problem boiled down to this several tiny closure
(make-instance 'lw-gt:objects-displayer
:drawing-object (lw-gt:make-draw-line 0 10 40 10
:filled t :foreground :black)))
make-draw-line from-x from-y to-x to-y &rest args => apply-drawing-object
apply-drawing-object is Class
But Description states on the contrary, no any instance of apply-drawing-object
The class apply-drawing-object is a drawing-object that applies a supplied function to a list of supplied arguments, normally preceded by the objects-displayer. Its main usage is for doing the actual drawing.
Is it idiosyncrasy of LispWorks?