История изменений
Исправление fsb4000, (текущая версия) :
Саттер пост выложил по случаю принятия С++23
Пишет что в комитете появилась новая подгруппа.
The newly-created SG23 Safety and Security subgroup met on Thursday for a well-attended session on hitting the ground running for making a targeted improvement in safety and security in C++, including that it approved the first two safety papers to progress to review next meeting by the full language evolution group.
Вот вроде первая их бумага: https://isocpp.org/files/papers/D2795R0.html
Исходная версия fsb4000, :
Саттер пост выложил по случаю принятия С++23
Пишет что в комитете появилась новая подгруппа.
The newly-created SG23 Safety and Security subgroup met on Thursday for a well-attended session on hitting the ground running for making a targeted improvement in safety and security in C++, including that it approved the first two safety papers to progress to review next meeting by the full language evolution group.