История изменений
Исправление Dr64h, (текущая версия) :
QOpenGLWidget allows using different OpenGL versions and profiles when the platform supports it. Just set the requested format via setFormat(). Keep in mind however that having multiple QOpenGLWidget instances in the same window requires that they all use the same format, or at least formats that do not make the contexts non-sharable. To overcome this issue, prefer using QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat() instead of setFormat().
Исходная версия Dr64h, :
QOpenGLWidget allows using different OpenGL versions and profiles when the platform supports it. Just set the requested format via setFormat(). Keep in mind however that having multiple QOpenGLWidget instances in the same window requires that they all use the same format, or at least formats that do not make the contexts non-sharable. To overcome this issue, prefer using QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat() instead of setFormat().