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Ради фана в https://www.phind.com/ сделайте запрос «Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault».
Ниже небольшая часть текста из ответа:
Add sys.settrace at the very first line of the code.
Use gdb/lldb to run the Python script.
Wait for the segmentation fault to occur.
Use the backtrace command to see the stack trace of the C code where the error occurred.
Using faulthandler: faulthandler is a built-in module since Python 3.3 that can be used to debug segmentation faults [1]. It can also be installed in Python 2.7 using pip [1]. To use faulthandler, you can enable it in your code using the following code snippet:
import faulthandler
// bad code goes here
Ради фана в https://www.phind.com/ сделайте запрос «Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault».
Ниже небольшая часть текста из ответа:
Add sys.settrace at the very first line of the code.
Use gdb/lldb to run the Python script.
Wait for the segmentation fault to occur.
Use the backtrace command to see the stack trace of the C code where the error occurred.
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