История изменений
(текущая версия)
в _Си_ нельзя определять переменные так.
Вы на свет что ли лезете? The for statement
The statement
for ( clause-1 ; expression-2 ; expression-3 ) statement
behaves as follows: The expression expression-2 is the controlling expression that is evaluated before each execution of the loop body. The expression expression-3 is evaluated as a void expression after each execution of the loop body. If clause-1 is a declaration, the scope of any variables it declares is the remainder of the declaration and the entire loop, including the other two expressions; it is reached in the order of execution before the first evaluation of the controlling expression. If clause-1 is an expression, it is evaluated as a void expression before the first evaluation of the controlling expression.
Исходная версия
в _Си_ нельзя определять переменные так.
Вы на свет что ли лезете? The for statement
The statement
for ( clause-1 ; expression-2 ; expression-3 ) statement behaves as follows: The expression expression-2 is the controlling expression that is evaluated before each execution of the loop body. The expression expression-3 is evaluated as a void expression after each execution of the loop body. If clause-1 is a declaration, the scope of any variables it declares is the remainder of the declaration and the entire loop, including the other two expressions; it is reached in the order of execution before the first evaluation of the controlling expression. If clause-1 is an expression, it is evaluated as a void expression before the first evaluation of the controlling expression.