История изменений

Исправление quasimoto, (текущая версия) :

До того как их вычеркнули в 2009 было так (n2914):

Whether an implementation replaces any expression according to an axiom is implementation-defined. With the exception of such substitutions, the presence of an axiom shall have no effect on the observable behavior of the program. [ Note: the intent of axioms is to provide a mechanism to express the semantics of concepts. Such semantic information can be used for optimization, software verification, software testing, and other program analyses and transformations, all of which are outside the scope of this International Standard. — end note ]

Ещё — 11FAQ.html#axioms, хотя

Note that you cannot (in general) prove an axiom; we use axioms to state what we cannot prove

Это странно — недоказуемые, конечно, есть, но большинство, представляющее практический интерес, вполне доказуемы.

Исправление quasimoto, :

До того как их вычеркнули в 2009 было так (n2914):

Whether an implementation replaces any expression according to an axiom is implementation-defined. With the exception of such substitutions, the presence of an axiom shall have no effect on the observable behavior of the program. [ Note: the intent of axioms is to provide a mechanism to express the semantics of concepts. Such semantic information can be used for optimization, software verification, software testing, and other program analyses and transformations, all of which are outside the scope of this International Standard. — end note ]

Ещё — 11FAQ.html#axioms, хотя

Note that you cannot (in general) prove an axiom; we use axioms to state what we cannot prove

Это странно — недоказуемые, конечно, есть, но большинство, представляющее практический интерес, вполне доказуемы.

Исходная версия quasimoto, :

До того как их вычеркнули в 2009 было так (n2914):

Whether an implementation replaces any expression according to an axiom is implementation-defined. With the exception of such substitutions, the presence of an axiom shall have no effect on the observable behavior of the program. [ Note: the intent of axioms is to provide a mechanism to express the semantics of concepts. Such semantic information can be used for optimization, software verification, software testing, and other program analyses and transformations, all of which are outside the scope of this International Standard. — end note ]

Ещё — 11FAQ.html#axioms, хотя

Note that you cannot (in general) prove an axiom; we use axioms to state what we cannot prove

Это странно — недоказуемые, конечно, есть, но большинство, представляющее практический интерес, вполне доказуемы.