История изменений
Исправление monk, (текущая версия) :
(defun mkstr (&rest args)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(dolist (x args) (princ x s))))
(let ((cache (make-hash-table)))
(defmacro make-fun ((&rest args) &rest body)
(let ((name (intern (mkstr (list args body)))))
(or (gethash name cache)
(setf (gethash name cache)
(eval `(compile nil (lambda ,args ,@body))))))))
(defun xx ()
(eq (make-fun (x) 1) (make-fun (x) 1)))
* (compile-file "test2")
; caught ERROR:
; Objects of type FUNCTION can't be dumped into fasl files.
Исправление monk, :
(defun mkstr (&rest args)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(dolist (x args) (princ x s))))
(let ((cache (make-hash-table)))
(defmacro make-fun ((&rest args) &rest body)
(let ((name (intern (mkstr (list args body)))))
(or (gethash name cache)
(setf (gethash name cache)
(eval `(compile nil (lambda ,args ,@body))))))))
* (compile-file "test2")
; caught ERROR:
; Objects of type FUNCTION can't be dumped into fasl files.
Исходная версия monk, :
* (compile-file "test2")
; caught ERROR:
; Objects of type FUNCTION can't be dumped into fasl files.