История изменений

Исправление wakuwaku, (текущая версия) :

You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, we may terminate your access to your Account.

Передача гифтов, купленных за границей, должна работать. Но, имхо, проще купить ключ US-версии игрушки.

Исправление wakuwaku, :

You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, we may terminate your access to your Account.

Передача гифтов, должна работать. Но имхо проще купить ключ US-версии игрушки.

Исходная версия wakuwaku, :

You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, we may terminate your access to your Account.