История изменений

Исправление toney, (текущая версия) :

Ну в исключительных случаях да.

Licence: 1) You may distribute this game for free on any medium, provided this Readme and all associated copyright notices and disclaimers are left intact.

2) You may charge a reasonable copying fee for this archive, and may distribute it in aggregate as part of a larger and possibly commercial software distribution (such as a Linux distribution or magazine coverdisk). You must provide proper attribution and ensure that this Readme and all associated copyright notices and disclaimers are left intact.

3) You may not charge a fee for the game itself. This includes reselling the game as an individual item.

4) You may modify the game as you wish. You may also distribute modified versions under the terms set forth in this licence, but with the additional requirement that the work is marked with a prominent notice which states that it is a modified version.

Исправление toney, :

Ну в исключительных случаях да.

Исправление toney, :

Ну в исключительных случаях да. Тот же GNU FreeDink как бэ тоже ресурсы оригинальные использует, опубликованные разработиком. Только звуков там нет и музыки оригинальных.

Исходная версия toney, :

Ну в исключительных случаях да.