История изменений
Исправление xxblx, (текущая версия) :
Legal stuff
FrozenSand accept no responsibility for any damage or injuries resulting from use of this software. You download and install this software at your own risk.
Urban Terror is a collection of files created by Frozen Sand/0870760 B.C. Ltd, community maps and community assets which are creditted in the map readme's. The files that constitute this modification are copyright FrozenSand/0870760 B.C. Ltd 2000-2012.
Use of any file contained within the mod is illegal without permission. Anyone wishing to re-use any of the media contained within the official release of Urban Terror should first contact Frozen Sand at http://www.frozensand.com or http://www.urbanterror.info
Urban Terror is distributed free over the Internet and is covered by the Quake 3 SDK licence agreement [EULA]. The mod files may not be sold [in any form] or distributed on physical media unless with permission from iD Software.
For further information on legal use of programs derived from Quake 3 source code, please contact their respective authors.
Я не в теме про совместимость *BSD между собой, да и про их устройство вообще (особо никогда не пользовался, фряху тыкал пару раз, а OpenBSD и вовсе ни разу не видел), но пару лет назад со мной на одном сервере играл часто один товарищ, который якобы играл с FreeBSD.
Я понятия не имею пригодится ли тебе эта информация в реалиях OpenBSD, то, если тот чел не обманывал, то по крайней мере на фряхе завести urt реально.
Исходная версия xxblx, :
Legal stuff =========== FrozenSand accept no responsibility for any damage or injuries resulting from use of this software. You download and install this software at your own risk.
Urban Terror is a collection of files created by Frozen Sand/0870760 B.C. Ltd, community maps and community assets which are creditted in the map readme's. The files that constitute this modification are copyright FrozenSand/0870760 B.C. Ltd 2000-2012.
Use of any file contained within the mod is illegal without permission. Anyone wishing to re-use any of the media contained within the official release of Urban Terror should first contact Frozen Sand at http://www.frozensand.com or http://www.urbanterror.info
Urban Terror is distributed free over the Internet and is covered by the Quake 3 SDK licence agreement [EULA]. The mod files may not be sold [in any form] or distributed on physical media unless with permission from iD Software.
For further information on legal use of programs derived from Quake 3 source code, please contact their respective authors.
Я не в теме про совместимость *BSD между собой, да и про их устройство вообще (особо никогда не пользовался, фряху тыкал пару раз, а OpenBSD и вовсе ни разу не видел), но пару лет назад со мной на одном сервере играл часто один товарищ, который якобы играл с FreeBSD.
Я понятия не имею пригодится ли тебе эта информация в реалиях OpenBSD, то, если тот чел не обманывал, то по крайней мере на фряхе завести urt реально.