История изменений

Исправление ex-kiev, (текущая версия) :

*  How to use Modification  *

1.>  If you have no previous version of Navy Seals, make a folder in
     Quake called "navyseal",  Then unzip the contents of this zip file 
     into that folder.  If you had version 2.2 or lower, just delete everything 
     in the folder and unzip the new version into there.
2.>  If you have Win95/98, run the seals.bat file to play.
     (*NOTE!* You must have at least 16MB of system memory to use this patch,
      and you MUST have the patch installed in a \quake\navyseal folder, or else
      the batch file will not work.  You will need to change the foldername in the
      seals.bat if you didn't install to \navyseal)
3.>  otherwise, go to your Quake folder and type: 
             quake -game navyseal


How to use this map:
Copy the navystart.bsp file into your quake\id1\maps
directory. Then run quake.
In the console, type "map navystart" (without the quotes)

Не срабатывает?

Исходная версия ex-kiev, :

How to use this map:
Copy the navystart.bsp file into your quake\id1\maps
directory. Then run quake.
In the console, type "map navystart" (without the quotes)

Не срабатывает?