История изменений

Исправление minakov, (текущая версия) :

man hosts

hosts - static table lookup for hostnames
Modifications to this file normally take effect immediately,
except in cases where the file is cached by applications.

И вообще, это даже не админство локалхоста, а что-то страшнее - ибо вбить могём, а вот примерно представить как бравзер туда идет - не могём

Исправление minakov, :

man hosts

hosts - static table lookup for hostnames
Modifications to this file normally take effect immediately,
except in cases where the file is cached by applications.

Исходная версия minakov, :

man hosts

hosts - static table lookup for hostnames
Modifications to this file normally take effect immediately, except in cases where the file is cached by applications.