История изменений
Исправление edigaryev, (текущая версия) :
А что с ФЗ, обязывющем уведомлять об открытии счетов за рубежом
ToS карточки Payoneer'а, п. 1:
The Card is a prepaid card that allows you to access funds on the Card. The Card does not constitute a checking, savings or other bank account and is not connected in any way to any other account you may have. The Card is not a credit card. You will not receive any interest on the funds on the Card.
Исправление edigaryev, :
А что с ФЗ, обязывющем уведомлять об открытии счетов за рубежом
ToS, п. 1:
The Card is a prepaid card that allows you to access funds on the Card. The Card does not constitute a checking, savings or other bank account and is not connected in any way to any other account you may have. The Card is not a credit card. You will not receive any interest on the funds on the Card.
Исходная версия edigaryev, :
А что с ФЗ, обязывющем уведомлять об открытии счетов за рубежом
ToS, п. 1:
The Card is a prepaid card that allows you to access funds on the Card. The Card does not constitute a checking, savings or other bank account and is not connected in any way to any other account you may have. The Card is not a credit card. You will not receive any interest on the funds on the Card.