История изменений

Исправление Pinkbyte, (текущая версия) :

pinkbyte@oas1 ~ $ cat /var/lib/layman/pinkbyte/metadata/layout.conf 
# Missing 'masters' variable confusing pkgcore
masters = gentoo

Цитирую man portage:

masters Names of repositories which satisfy dependencies on eclasses and from which settings specified in various repository-level files (package.mask, package.use.mask, use.mask etc.) are inherited. Each repository name should correspond to the value of a repo_name entry from one of the repositories that is configured in repos.conf file. Repositories listed toward the right of the masters list take precedence over those listed toward the left of the list.

До недавнего(~ год) времени была необязательна для portage, позднее неявный include был признан нарушающим Package Manager Specification и убран из portage.

TL;DR - укажи корректный master-репозиторий с eclass-ами

Исходная версия Pinkbyte, :

pinkbyte@oas1 ~ $ cat /var/lib/layman/pinkbyte/metadata/layout.conf 
# Missing 'masters' variable confusing pkgcore
masters = gentoo

Цитирую man portage:

masters Names of repositories which satisfy dependencies on eclasses and from which settings specified in various repository-level files (package.mask, package.use.mask, use.mask etc.) are inherited. Each repository name should correspond to the value of a repo_name entry from one of the repositories that is configured in repos.conf file. Repositories listed toward the right of the masters list take precedence over those listed toward the left of the list.