История изменений

Исправление sanyock, (текущая версия) :

знание большого количества Enterprise либ ценится в сотни раз выше, чем знание трудов уважаемого Д.Э. Кнута

а потом имеем: уэб - г., десктоп -г., ОС - г., ш. - г., да и вообще все г.

Просто бизнес пубсег! ничего личного ...

Also note that as the owner and founder of VBDotNetCoder I see a big increase of VB.Net evolving right now ! especially in south america , Greece , Spain and Italy ,,,,, so yes there is hope that VB.Net will catch up a lot within now and a few years :-) once people realize that it is actualy the better RAD and debug environment to get a business running .

Moral ? ,,,,, Usde the tool that solves your requirment !! not that you are bainwashed for to use as you «think"it is the best tool ,,,,, I code now 17 years on a pro basis ,,, if C# was the best I would use C# ! ,,,, however I get frustrated using C# ... ( as i can code it ) the reasson ? ,,, VB.Net is much better as a RAD ,,, the intellisence of VB.Net is superior , the debugger of VB.Net is superior , and for me the language flows easier through my brain so i am much more faster and productive in VB.Net ....

@Ag ,, Yes ! there is really new development happening in VB.Net these days ! ::-) I spit out at least 2 projects a month in my company `! :-)

Исправление sanyock, :

знание большого количества Enterprise либ ценится в сотни раз выше, чем знание трудов уважаемого Д.Э. Кнута

а потом имеем: уэб - г., десктоп -г., ОС - г., ш. - г., да и вообще все г.

It's a business Pupseg! nichego lichnogo ...

Also note that as the owner and founder of VBDotNetCoder I see a big increase of VB.Net evolving right now ! especially in south america , Greece , Spain and Italy ,,,,, so yes there is hope that VB.Net will catch up a lot within now and a few years :-) once people realize that it is actualy the better RAD and debug environment to get a business running .

Moral ? ,,,,, Usde the tool that solves your requirment !! not that you are bainwashed for to use as you «think"it is the best tool ,,,,, I code now 17 years on a pro basis ,,, if C# was the best I would use C# ! ,,,, however I get frustrated using C# ... ( as i can code it ) the reasson ? ,,, VB.Net is much better as a RAD ,,, the intellisence of VB.Net is superior , the debugger of VB.Net is superior , and for me the language flows easier through my brain so i am much more faster and productive in VB.Net ....

@Ag ,, Yes ! there is really new development happening in VB.Net these days ! ::-) I spit out at least 2 projects a month in my company `! :-)

Исправление sanyock, :

знание большого количества Enterprise либ ценится в сотни раз выше, чем знание трудов уважаемого Д.Э. Кнута

а потом имеем: уэб - г., десктоп -г., ОС - г., ш. - г., да и вообще все г.

it's a business pupseg, nichego lichnogo

Исходная версия sanyock, :

знание большого количества Enterprise либ ценится в сотни раз выше, чем знание трудов уважаемого Д.Э. Кнута

а потом имеем: уэб - г., десктоп -г., ОС - г., ш. - г., да и вообще все г.

it's a business detka, nichego lichnogo