История изменений

Исправление beastie, (текущая версия) :

For FREE domain names you can register domains for 1 to 12 months. You can renew FREE domain names in the last 15 days of each registration period - 15 days before the expiration date.

Может ты брал на 1 месяц?

Или забыл сделать вот это:

Your domain name, either paid or free is activated with the last step of the registration process. This last step is a request for you to return the confirmation email within 72 hours.


И ещё

having a FREE domain name does not give you the legal registrant rights. Freenom allows you to use your chosen domain name for a period of 1 to 12 months. If you do not renew your domain name in time, your registration will be cancelled.

Короче, читай TOS ;)

PS: у них есть и на платной основе.

Исправление beastie, :

For FREE domain names you can register domains for 1 to 12 months. You can renew FREE domain names in the last 15 days of each registration period - 15 days before the expiration date.

Может ты брал на 1 месяц?

Или забыл сделать вот это:

Your domain name, either paid or free is activated with the last step of the registration process. This last step is a request for you to return the confirmation email within 72 hours.


И ещё

having a FREE domain name does not give you the legal registrant rights. Freenom allows you to use your chosen domain name for a period of 1 to 12 months. If you do not renew your domain name in time, your registration will be cancelled.

Короче, читай TOS ;)

Исправление beastie, :

For FREE domain names you can register domains for 1 to 12 months. You can renew FREE domain names in the last 15 days of each registration period - 15 days before the expiration date.

Может ты брал на 1 месяц?

Или забыл сделать вот это:

Your domain name, either paid or free is activated with the last step of the registration process. This last step is a request for you to return the confirmation email within 72 hours.


Исправление beastie, :

For FREE domain names you can register domains for 1 to 12 months. You can renew FREE domain names in the last 15 days of each registration period - 15 days before the expiration date.

Может ты брал на 1 месяц?

Или забыл сделать вот это:

Your domain name, either paid or free is activated with the last step of the registration process. This last step is a request for you to return the confirmation email within 72 hours.

Исходная версия beastie, :

For FREE domain names you can register domains for 1 to 12 months. You can renew FREE domain names in the last 15 days of each registration period - 15 days before the expiration date.

Может ты брал на 1 месяц?