История изменений
Исправление StellzZz, (текущая версия) :
в Fedora 23 доступен твой RawStudio
Имя : rawstudio
Arch : x86_64
Эпоха : 0
Version : 2.1
Релиз : 0.12.20160223git6643b14_rawspeed_5f78369.fc23
Size : 2.5 M
Репозиторий : @System
Из репозито : updates
Краткое опи : Read, manipulate and convert digital camera raw images
URL : http://rawstudio.org
Лицензия : GPLv2+
Описание : Rawstudio is a highly specialized application for processing RAW images
: from digital cameras. It is not a fully featured image editing application.
: The RAW format is often recommended to get the best quality out of digital
: camera images. The format is specific to cameras and cannot be read by most
: image editing applications.
: Rawstudio makes it possible to read and manipulate RAW images, experiment
: with the controls to see how they affect the image, and finally export into
: JPEG, PNG or TIF format images from most digital cameras.
Исходная версия StellzZz, :
в Fedora 23 доступен твой RawStudio
Имя : rawstudio
Arch : x86_64
Эпоха : 0
Version : 2.1
Релиз : 0.12.20160223git6643b14_rawspeed_5f78369.fc23
Size : 2.5 M
Репозиторий : @System
Из репозито : updates
Краткое опи : Read, manipulate and convert digital camera raw images
URL : http://rawstudio.org
Лицензия : GPLv2+
Описание : Rawstudio is a highly specialized application for processing RAW images
: from digital cameras. It is not a fully featured image editing application.
: The RAW format is often recommended to get the best quality out of digital
: camera images. The format is specific to cameras and cannot be read by most
: image editing applications.
: Rawstudio makes it possible to read and manipulate RAW images, experiment
: with the controls to see how they affect the image, and finally export into
: JPEG, PNG or TIF format images from most digital cameras.