История изменений
Исправление Deleted, (текущая версия) :
Лол. У них даже отдельный костыль есть, чтобы не пересобирать мир, когда надо запатчить дыру.
# Replace a single dependency in the requisites tree of drv, propagating
# the change all the way up the tree, without a full rebuild. This can be
# useful, for example, to patch a security hole in libc and still use your
# system safely without rebuilding the world. This should be a short term
# solution, as soon as a rebuild can be done the properly rebuild derivation
# should be used. The old dependency and new dependency MUST have the same-length
# name, and ideally should have close-to-identical directory layout.
Исходная версия Deleted, :
Лол. У них даже отдельный костыль есть, чтобы не пересобирать мир, когда надо запатчить дыру.
Replace a single dependency in the requisites tree of drv, propagating
the change all the way up the tree, without a full rebuild. This can be
useful, for example, to patch a security hole in libc and still use your
system safely without rebuilding the world. This should be a short term
solution, as soon as a rebuild can be done the properly rebuild derivation
should be used. The old dependency and new dependency MUST have the same-length
name, and ideally should have close-to-identical directory layout.