История изменений
Исправление IPR, (текущая версия) :
[19:35] u@netbook:~> cat /usr/ports/net/traff/pkg-descr
Traff is a program that attaches itself to one or more
network interfaces, sniffs all IP-packages passing at it and
accounts each packets size. The collected information can be
dumped to a mysql-Database, for further processing.
The configuration is very flexible, allowing you to create
different/multiple accounting rules.
Copyright (C) 2001 - Hans Marcus Kr<FC>ger <hanskruger at iname.com>,
Porter - Dan Caescu <dan.caescu at netcaetera.ro> <daniel at freebsd.ro>
Исходная версия IPR, :
[19:35] u@netbook:~> cat /usr/ports/net/traff/pkg-descr
Traff is a program that attaches itself to one or more
network interfaces, sniffs all IP-packages passing at it and
accounts each packets size. The collected information can be
dumped to a mysql-Database, for further processing.
The configuration is very flexible, allowing you to create
different/multiple accounting rules.
Copyright (C) 2001 - Hans Marcus Kr<FC>ger <hanskruger at iname.com>,
Porter - Dan Caescu <dan.caescu at netcaetera.ro> <daniel at freebsd.ro>
[21:43] u@netbook:~> cat /usr/ports/net-mgmt/collectd5/pkg-descr
collectd is a small daemon written in C for performance. It reads various
system & network statistics along with updating output RRD or CSV files.
The daemon is very fast and allows for frequent polling of values, with
support for polling as frequent as every 10 seconds.
WWW: https://www.collectd.org/