История изменений
Исправление maksvlad, (текущая версия) :
Для Х2Го без соплей, изоленты и клея подойтут тольк: LXDE (not LXQt), XFCE, MATE
LXDE, брошенный даже авторами, прям цветет и пахнет, какой свежий? Здесь не от версии зависимости.
Compatibility and Workarounds depend on what version GNOME
GNOME 2: Compatible and no workaround required GNOME 3.0 through 3.6: “GNOME Fallback Mode” must be installed. This is included with most, if not all distros. GNOME 3.8: “GNOME Flasback Mode” 3.8.x must be installed. It is seldom included with distros. There are bugs with it. Using GNOME 3.8 with X2Go is not recommended. GNOME 3.10: “GNOME Flasback Mode” 3.8.x may be compatible, but there are even more bugs with it. It is seldom included with distros. Using GNOME 3.10 with X2Go is not recommended.
KDE 3: Compatible and no workaround required KDE 4: Compatible and no workaround required
Просто первая свежесть
Исправление maksvlad, :
Для Х2Го без соплей, изоленты и клея подойтут тольк: LXDE (not LXQt), XFCE, MATE
LXDE, бошенный даже авторами, прям цветет и пахнет, какой свежий? Здесь не от версии зависимости.
Compatibility and Workarounds depend on what version GNOME
GNOME 2: Compatible and no workaround required GNOME 3.0 through 3.6: “GNOME Fallback Mode” must be installed. This is included with most, if not all distros. GNOME 3.8: “GNOME Flasback Mode” 3.8.x must be installed. It is seldom included with distros. There are bugs with it. Using GNOME 3.8 with X2Go is not recommended. GNOME 3.10: “GNOME Flasback Mode” 3.8.x may be compatible, but there are even more bugs with it. It is seldom included with distros. Using GNOME 3.10 with X2Go is not recommended.
KDE 3: Compatible and no workaround required KDE 4: Compatible and no workaround required
Просто первая свежесть
Исправление maksvlad, :
Для Х2Го без соплей, изоленты и клея подойтут тольк: LXDE (not LXQt), XFCE, MATE
LXDE, бошенный даже авторами, прям цветет и пахнет, какой свежий? Здесь не от версии зависимости.
Compatibility and Workarounds depend on what version GNOME
GNOME 2: Compatible and no workaround required GNOME 3.0 through 3.6: “GNOME Fallback Mode” must be installed. This is included with most, if not all distros. GNOME 3.8: “GNOME Flasback Mode” 3.8.x must be installed. It is seldom included with distros. There are bugs with it. Using GNOME 3.8 with X2Go is not recommended. GNOME 3.10: “GNOME Flasback Mode” 3.8.x may be compatible, but there are even more bugs with it. It is seldom included with distros. Using GNOME 3.10 with X2Go is not recommended.
Просто первая свежесть
Исходная версия maksvlad, :
Для Х2Го без соплей, изоленты и клея подойтут тольк: LXDE (not LXQt), XFCE, MATE
LXDE, бошенный даже авторами, прям цветет и пахнет, какой свежий? Здесь не от версии зависимости.