История изменений

Исправление fornlr, (текущая версия) :

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Типа MS во главе этой движухи.

It is used on Microsoft’s own services including Bing and OneDrive,[4] as well as by Google’s Gmail, Twitter,[5] Facebook,[6] Adobe Systems,[7] Reddit,[8] Discord[9] and the NCMEC,[10] to whom Microsoft donated the technology.

Исправление fornlr, :

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Типа MS пионер

It is used on Microsoft’s own services including Bing and OneDrive,[4] as well as by Google’s Gmail, Twitter,[5] Facebook,[6] Adobe Systems,[7] Reddit,[8] Discord[9] and the NCMEC,[10] to whom Microsoft donated the technology.

Исходная версия fornlr, :

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Типа MS пионер