История изменений
Исправление X512, (текущая версия) :
bodqhrohro правильные вещи пишет:
Real life is about tradeoffs. Just like that, people have to dual-boot between Windows and GNU/Linux, or between Android and GNU/Linux on some UMPCs, because both are not perfect and have their pros and cons. For now, Wayland is worse in general, but it has some benefits for narrow use-cases. And with time, there may become more of them, as the development focus is in the field of Wayland ecosystem. So eventually, you’ll have to choose between two options which both bite for something. That’s really frustrating, but still better than having one X.Org with no alternatives which just bites for everyone.
I believe it should be solved just like it happened with sound: for some time there existed «lame» PulseAudio and «professional» JACK/JACK2, both over bare ALSA (which some users preferred to use directly too), and all of them bit for something. PulseAudio introduced mandatory resampling by default, high CPU usage and awful performance, problems in multi-user configurations and much more tinier issues, and JACK is just hard to configure and barely supported by non-professional software which requires setting up compatibility layers with ALSA/PulseAudio as well. Then came one PipeWire to rule them all. Something like that should happen with graphics too: X.Org is dated for sure, but Wayland is flawed and totally not a replacement for it. Maybe Arcan will come to the scene from a prototype stage; its developer really seems like a pro akin to PipeWire developers who’s good at making UNIX way things, flexible and performant the same time (but pretty buggy, unfortunately). Maybe something else. We just have to wait for this hero, or fix the situation ourselves (but there are no persons who can do this in the thread :P)
Полностью согласен.
Исходная версия X512, :
bodqhrohro правильные вещи пишет:
Real life is about tradeoffs. Just like that, people have to dual-boot between Windows and GNU/Linux, or between Android and GNU/Linux on some UMPCs, because both are not perfect and have their pros and cons. For now, Wayland is worse in general, but it has some benefits for narrow use-cases. And with time, there may become more of them, as the development focus is in the field of Wayland ecosystem. So eventually, you’ll have to choose between two options which both bite for something. That’s really frustrating, but still better than having one X.Org with no alternatives which just bites for everyone.
I believe it should be solved just like it happened with sound: for some time there existed «lame» PulseAudio and «professional» JACK/JACK2, both over bare ALSA (which some users preferred to use directly too), and all of them bit for something. PulseAudio introduced mandatory resampling by default, high CPU usage and awful performance, problems in multi-user configurations and much more tinier issues, and JACK is just hard to configure and barely supported by non-professional software which requires setting up compatibility layers with ALSA/PulseAudio as well. Then came one PipeWire to rule them all. Something like that should happen with graphics too: X.Org is dated for sure, but Wayland is flawed and totally not a replacement for it. Maybe Arcan will come to the scene from a prototype stage; its developer really seems like a pro akin to PipeWire developers who’s good at making UNIX way things, flexible and performant the same time (but pretty buggy, unfortunately). Maybe something else. We just have to wait for this hero, or fix the situation ourselves (but there are no persons who can do this in the thread :P)