Вот появилась необходимость сверстать книгу, немного подумав, послушав умных людей, решил использовать LATEX, а точнее дистрибутив latexlive из репов убунты.
в качестве редактора взял kile, на то я и кдешник.
набрал тестовый код:
\usepackage [T2A] { fontenc }
\usepackage [english] {babel}
\LARGE fffааафыїі! ! !
и тут засада:
[PDFLaTeX] test.tex => test.pdf (pdflatex)
[PDFLaTeX] finished with exit status 1
test.tex:99:Package fontenc Error: Encoding file `t2aenc.def' not found. \ProcessOptions*
test.tex:100:Encoding scheme `T2A' unknown. \fontencoding\encodingdefault
test.tex:0: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for(babel) the language `Russian'(babel) I will use the patterns loaded for \language=0 instead.
test.tex:91:Package babel Error: No Cyrillic encoding definition files were found. lcyenc.def, lwnenc.def, ot2enc.def.}
test.tex:267:Undefined control sequence. \@ifundefined{sym\cyrillicencoding letters}
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Encoding scheme `' unknown. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Encoding scheme `' unknown. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Encoding scheme `' unknown. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Encoding scheme `' unknown. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Encoding scheme `' unknown. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Encoding scheme `' unknown. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Undefined control sequence. }
test.tex:283:Encoding scheme `' unknown. }
test.tex:17:Encoding scheme `T2A' unknown. \begin{document}
test.tex:17:Undefined control sequence. \begin{document}
test.tex:17:Undefined control sequence. \begin{document}
test.tex:17:Encoding scheme `' unknown. \begin{document}
test.tex:19:Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:а not set up for use with LaTeX. \LARGE fffа
test.tex:19:Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:а not set up for use with LaTeX. \LARGE fffаа
test.tex:19:Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:а not set up for use with LaTeX. \LARGE fffааа
test.tex:19:Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:ф not set up for use with LaTeX. \LARGE fffаааф
test.tex:19:Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:ы not set up for use with LaTeX. \LARGE fffааафы
test.tex:19:Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:ї not set up for use with LaTeX. \LARGE fffааафыї
test.tex:19:Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:і not set up for use with LaTeX. \LARGE fffааафыїі
test.tex:21:! !Your command was ignored. \end{document}
test.tex:21:Undefined control sequence. \end{document}
test.tex:21:Encoding scheme `' unknown. \end{document}
test.tex:3:Undefined control sequence. \select@language{russian}
test.tex:3:Encoding scheme `' unknown. \select@language{russian}
[PDFLaTeX] 47 errors, 1 warning, 0 badboxes
Я так понимаю что нужен пакет t2a, отвечающий за кириллицу, но в репе ничего подобного н нашел.
Ответ на:
от dn2010
Ответ на:
от Frolic
Ответ на:
от suxov
Ответ на:
от Frolic
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