История изменений
Исправление ziemin, (текущая версия) :
DRM drivers also add options to enable or disable outputs: 'e' will force the display to be enabled, i.e. it will override the detection if a display is connected. 'D' will force the display to be enabled and use digital output. This is useful for outputs that have both analog and digital signals (e.g. HDMI and DVI-I). For other outputs it behaves like 'e'. If 'd' is specified the output is disabled. You can additionally specify which output the options matches to. To force the VGA output to be enabled and drive a specific mode say: video=VGA-1:1280x1024@60me Specifying the option multiple times for different ports is possible, e.g.: video=LVDS-1:d video=HDMI-1:D
Исходная версия ziemin, :
You can additionally specify which output the options matches to. To force the VGA output to be enabled and drive a specific mode say: video=VGA-1:1280x1024@60me Specifying the option multiple times for different ports is possible, e.g.: video=LVDS-1:d video=HDMI-1:D