вот уже несколько версий подряд, включая svn-снепшоты, раз в сутки стабильно падает вайфай с таким сообщением в dmesg:
[390834.260000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390835.210000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390843.790000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390844.730000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390845.660000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390846.140000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390847.310000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390848.250000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x004!
[390849.180000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x001!
[390857.650000] ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x001!