История изменений

Исправление Vsevolod-linuxoid, (текущая версия) :

Your question «Grub or MBR» is as meaningless as «car or wheels». To boot Linux, you need a partition table as well as a boot loader.

Meanwhile, your problem is not with them — your system still can boot:

При загрузке появлялся черный экран терминал курсором.

You just need to log into tty1 and read /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why the X server crashes on startup. Or have I misunderstood you and the system really does not boot at all?

I answered your biggest question, «How do I get Manjaro to boot on any PC?»

Исходная версия Vsevolod-linuxoid, :

Your question «Grub or MBR» is as meaningless as «car or wheels». To boot Linux, you need a partition table as well as a boot loader.

Meanwhile, your problem is not with them — your system still can boot:

При загрузке появлялся черный экран терминал курсором.

I answered your biggest question, «How do I get Manjaro to boot on any PC?»