Подскажите пожалуйста,как задать параметры ядру.Привожу выдержку из мануала: Configure LINUX Kernel for Oracle Configure the LINUX kernel Interprocess Communication (IPC) parameters to accommodate the SGA structure of the Oracle8 Server. You will not be able to start up the database if the system does not have adequate shared memory to accommodate the SGA. 1. Use the ipcs command to obtain a list of the system▓s current shared memory and semaphore segments, and their identification number and owner. 2. Set the kernel parameters corresponding to: maximum size of a shared memory segment (SHMMAX) maximum number of shared memory segments in the system (SHMMNI) maximum number of shared memory segments a user process can attach (SHMSEG) maximum amount of shared memory that can be allocated system-wide (SHMMNS) The total allowable shared memory is determined by the formula: SHMMAX * SHMSEG The parameters in Table 2√2 control the allocation of semaphores and shared memory. The recommended values are optimal for one instance and are based on the default init sid.ora file. If you plan to install more than one instance, or to modify the init sid.ora file extensively, set these parameters higher. Oracle Corporation recommends you set these parameters as high as possible for the operating system; however, setting these parameters too high for the operating system can prevent the machine from booting up. Refer to the operating system documentation for parameter limits. Table 2√2 Shared Memory and Semaphore Parameters Parameter Recommended Value Description SHMMAX 4294967295 The maximum size (in bytes) of a single shared memory segment. SHMMIN 1 The minimum size (in bytes) of a single shared memory segment. SHMMNI 100 The number of shared memory identifiers. SHMSEG 10 The maximum number of shared memory segments that can be attached by a process. SEMMNS 200 The number of semaphores in the system. SEMMNI 70 The number of semaphore set identifiers in the system. SEMMNI determines the number of semaphore sets that can be created at any one time. SEMMSL equal to or greater than the value of the PROCESSES initialization parameter The maximum number of semaphores that can be in one semaphore set. Should be equal to the maximum number of Oracle processes. Заранее спасибо,Polik polik@art.kemerovonet.ru

2 ноября 1999 г.

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