История изменений
Исправление robot12, (текущая версия) :
RHEL или SLES уже можно свободно распространять?
Вы читали RHEL EULA? Цитирую с http://www.redhat.com/f/pdf/licenses/GLOBAL_EULA_RHEL_English_20101110.pdf
License Grant. Subject to the following terms, Red Hat, Inc. (“Red Hat”) grants to you a perpetual, worldwide license to the Programs (most of
which include multiple software components) pursuant to the GNU General Public License v.2. The license agreement for each software
component is located in the software component's source code and permits you to run, copy, modify, and redistribute the software component
(subject to certain obligations in some cases), both in source code and binary code forms, with the exception of (a) certain binary only firmware
components and (b) the images identified in Section 2 below. The license rights for the binary only firmware components are located with the
components themselves. This EULA pertains solely to the Programs and does not limit your rights under, or grant you rights that supersede,
the license terms of any particular component.
Есть документ - https://www.redhat.com/licenses/emea_enterprise_agreement_appendices_one_and_... - но он касается только сервисов предоставляемых RedHat.
В составе конечного продукта можно запретить распространение
Нет, нельзя, нарушаете GPL
Исходная версия robot12, :
RHEL или SLES уже можно свободно распространять?
Вы читали RHEL EULA? Цитирую с http://www.redhat.com/f/pdf/licenses/GLOBAL_EULA_RHEL_English_20101110.pdf
License Grant. Subject to the following terms, Red Hat, Inc. (“Red Hat”) grants to you a perpetual, worldwide license to the Programs (most of
which include multiple software components) pursuant to the GNU General Public License v.2. The license agreement for each software
component is located in the software component's source code and permits you to run, copy, modify, and redistribute the software component
(subject to certain obligations in some cases), both in source code and binary code forms, with the exception of (a) certain binary only firmware
components and (b) the images identified in Section 2 below. The license rights for the binary only firmware components are located with the
components themselves. This EULA pertains solely to the Programs and does not limit your rights under, or grant you rights that supersede,
the license terms of any particular component.
Есть документ - https://www.redhat.com/licenses/emea_enterprise_agreement_appendices_one_and_... - но он касается только сервисов предоставляемых RedHat.