А не запретить ли Youtube на ЛОРе?



Нет, я понимаю, что большинство посетителей ЛОРа — большие поклонники проприетарщины (виндузятники, операфилы, Nvidiaфилы, KDEшники) с толстыми каналами (москвичи), но не надо наглеть. Почти каждый второй топик в толксах содержит ссылку на ктулхопротивный youtube. Если так пойдёт дальше, то скоро будут давать ссылки на ролики на Silverlight.

Ответ на: комментарий от Ramen

Тогда рекомендую почитать спецификацию, может эта функция там и есть, а так разговаривать бессмысленно.

vkos ★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Ramen

The controls attribute is a boolean attribute. If present, it indicates that the author has not provided a scripted controller and would like the user agent to provide its own set of controls.

If the attribute is present, or if scripting is disabled for the media element, then the user agent should expose a user interface to the user. This user interface should include features to begin playback, pause playback, seek to an arbitrary position in the content (if the content supports arbitrary seeking), change the volume, change the display of closed captions or embedded sign-language tracks, select different audio tracks or turn on audio descriptions, and show the media content in manners more suitable to the user (e.g. full-screen video or in an independent resizable window). Other controls may also be made available.

User agents may allow users to view the video content in manners more suitable to the user (e.g. full-screen or in an independent resizable window). As for the other user interface features, controls to enable this should not interfere with the page's normal rendering unless the user agent is exposing a user interface. In such an independent context, however, user agents may make full user interfaces visible, with, e.g., play, pause, seeking, and volume controls, even if the controls attribute is absent.

Warning! User agents should not provide a public API to cause videos to be shown full-screen. A script, combined with a carefully crafted video file, could trick the user into thinking a system-modal dialog had been shown, and prompt the user for a password. There is also the danger of «mere» annoyance, with pages launching full-screen videos when links are clicked or pages navigated. Instead, user-agent-specific interface features may be provided to easily allow the user to obtain a full-screen playback mode.

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